Complex Motion in Fluids 2016

Reimbursement for COST members (EU)

Members of the COST Action "Flowing Matter" (COST MP1305) are eligible for reimbursement of some of their travel expenses regarding the Training School.

1. Become an Action member

If you are employed in the EU you can become a member by filling out the form on the Action's website and e-mail it together with a short CV to

2. Get reimbursed

Once you are a member of action MP1305 you can follow the following steps to get reimbursement:
  1. Once you are a member of COST MP1305 you will receive an official invitation for the meeting several weeks before the meeting.
  2. You have to accept this official invitation and create an account to e-Cost on the COST-website.
  3. Add your bank details to your e-COST profile.
  4. You have to sign an official attendance list on every day of the meeting.
  5. After attending the school, you will receive a so called Grant Letter stating the (fixed) amount that will be reimbursed to the bank account you provided. So you don't need to fill out any reimbursement requests.