Mon July 8th 2024
16:00 – 17:00
Seminar Liquid-liquid interface dynamics driven by bacterial swarm
Song Liu


Bacterial swarm is a multicellular behavior through which microbes spread and colonize on semi-solid agar surface. It can exhibit many kinds of self-organized phenomena, such as chiral fluid flows, branching instability and phase separation. Usually, there is an air-liquid interface on the top of bacterial swarm, which plays an important role in those bacterial self-organizations. Here we replace the air-liquid interface with a liquid-liquid interface, by blanketing bacterial swarm with oil. We found that bacterial swarm with liquid-liquid interface exhibited different kinds of branching dynamics during expansion. The bacterial phase separation behavior was also strongly modified by the liquid-liquid interface. The liquid-liquid interface favored the bacterial edge flows and enhanced the spatial correlation between bacteria. Our research could illustrate new mechanisms for bacterial swarm and provide novel strategies to control microbial colony expansion.
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