Wed October 19th 2016
16:00 – 17:00
Seminar Python: the revolution in interactive scientific computing and research management
Dennis Bakhuis, Vamsi Spandan


Programming, scripting and "large-scale" data analysis has already become a indispensable tool in research, regardless of whether you are an experimentalist, theoretician, computational scientist or a mix of all. In this seminar, we will give you a very brief introduction to the extensive capabilities of "Pythonā€¯ an amazing language which would help you not only optimise your data processing tasks but also your research workflow. Unlike the commercial traditional tools (Matlab, Mathematica etc.) which are used extensively in our group, Python and its affiliated packages are completely free, easy to read, user-friendly and has been called the future of (scientific) computing/processing! It is no wonder that it has already been adopted in several companies and is being used in universities to teach skills like data processing, computational physics, image processing etc.

In this seminar along with a general introduction to Python we will introduce you to multiple packages currently used by the scientific community.
-'Numpy', 'Pandas' and 'SciPy'(General purpose scientific libraries)
-'Matplotlib' (Plotting library)
-'Jupyter Notebooks' (Interactive computing and research management)
-'scikit-image' (Image processing)
-'PyVisa' (Machine interfacing)

This would be a perfect opportunity if you have been contemplating to learn Python for a while but did not know where to start. Even if you are a expert in one of the already exisitng commercial tools and do not want to learn something new, we would like you to attend this seminar and decide for yourself if the switch is worth it.

Disclaimer : We receive no kind of monetary compensation from Python for doing this. Our only motivation is our love for Open-Science and Software and Python's revolutionary role in it.
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